The German Language is our focus.

Learn German from the language experts

Immersive course content that you love to learn

We make German easy for you to learn.

Your first class is absolutely free for all our batches and it will be free forever. Please note that our first class is not a demo session. Topics covered in the first class will not be repeated in the next class. Make sure you take it as your class, not a Demo.
We do not charge you for your first class. So, grab the opportunity, you will gain knowledge and lose nothing.

Wear your seat belts
Get Started With A1
Online German A1 Batch
New Batch Starts Every Month
Get started with your German language learning journey at the comfort of your home.
Leave all your worries, we also have students who have done their A1 from multiple sources.
Learn with small batches and speak with Native German.
We have thoroughly researched Notes and Books for your learning.
Book your first class now and get started.
Online German A2 Batch
New Batch Starts Every Month
Level up your German with confidence.
Join our intensive A2 training and skill your German with fluency.
Don't worry about grammar. It's a child play with us.
We have thoroughly researched Notes and Books for your learning.
Book your first class now and get started.

15% Off All Items
Is A2 your next stop?
Why Choose us?
Trust of 2000 + Students in the German Language learning globally.
Fastest growing Online German language Platform.
5 days/week live Skype classes (2 Hrs each session for 2 months).
Regular follow-up of each student.
Learn language from experts.
Regular tests and doubt clearing sessions followed by exam preparation.
Learn in small groups of students with schreiben, sprechen, hören & lesen activities.
Speaking sessions with native German speaker.
Thoroughly researched Notes & Books.
100 % refundable fee (T & C applied).

Our Student's Voice

Sowjanya Inturi
Great teachers, effective teaching techniques, and perfect content to learn the language!!
Pays attention to everyone in the class and also gives continuous feedback.
Though the course schedule is a bit intensive, a very good way to learn German. Wish I had joined DecodeGerman earlier!!!
Adedayo Adebomi
I love the class and most importantly, I love how Shalini takes her time to teach each topic until we understand.
Keep the good work going Shalini !!!!
Sourabh Singh
Complete commitment towards the teaching. Pays 100% attention to each individual in the class, keeps all the students active during the session. The design of the course provides the perfect base to learn German.